KIT Blog

Your support moves the world towards Zero Leprosy

Thanks to your prayerful support of The Leprosy Mission Nigeria (TLMN) people like Mary can live without the fear that leprosy so often brings.

Mary’s mother was undergoing treatment for leprosy herself when she noticed a patch on ten-year-old Mary’s chest. She immediately recognised it as a first sign of leprosy. Once Mary was diagnosed, she received Multi-Drug Therapy and was cured without any permanent markings or disabilities.

Your support means that more people like Mary are diagnosed early and so avoid the awful consequences that undiagnosed and untreated leprosy can bring.

While Mary attended primary school, she was not offered a place at secondary school. In her late teens she received vocational training through a TLMN project and trained to be a seamstress, making beautiful clothes (such as in the photo).

Through other TLMN projects Mary found work as a cleaner and then she qualified as a tailor. She now produces and attaches skin colour matching material to prosthetic legs.

Life for Mary continued on as normal thanks to her early diagnosis and treatment. Sadly, her husband was not happy when Mary spent time looking after her unwell mother. He made her choose between him or her mother and left when Mary chose to continue caring for her mother who died the following year.

But Mary continues to smile and be thankful for all the support and friendship she has received through TLMN. She dreams of continuing to study, going to university and to marrying again. Thanks to compassionate people like you more people can live their lives free from disability and discrimination. Thanks to you a world without leprosy is possible. Together we can make leprosy a thing of the past!

Pray for Mary as she continues to flourish in her work which supports people with leprosy and disabilities.

Pray for TLMN as they provide the healthcare and vocational support needed to make a life free from leprosy, discrimination, and disability a reality.

If you would like to support another person like Mary, please consider a donation by following the link to your Nigerian project. 


The Leprosy Mission seeks to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy, empowering people to attain healing, dignity, and life in all its fullness.

We are targeting a Triple Zero Leprosy strategy — Zero Leprosy Transmission, Zero Leprosy Disability, and Zero Leprosy Discrimination. We are working hard with our international project partners, and international government organisations, to make leprosy transmission a thing of the past by 2035.

If you feel moved to make an impact today, click here and your gift will be graciously accepted and used where it is most needed.