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Your Christmas giving is helping cure families of leprosy

Your Christmas giving is helping cure families of leprosy

You are bringing healing and helping to restore lives, when you shop from this catalogue this Christmas.  Your giving helps families affected by leprosy.

In India, sisters Tania and Sonir, (and their dad), are receiving leprosy treatment thanks to the generous hearts of people like you!

Their dad used to work in-house for a doctor. When he mentioned the tingling in his forehead and numbing in his hand, the doctor sent him to a local hospital. There they diagnosed him with leprosy and started him on Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT) – the cure for leprosy. Unfortunately, he stopped taking MDT after transferring his medical care to a hospital closer to home..

Tania and Sonir had also started developing some tell-tale signs of leprosy.  Patches had appeared on their skin. Tania, the younger one, also developed a drop foot, which makes it difficult for her to walk properly as she can’t lift the front of her foot

Thankfully, all three of them finally made it to a Leprosy Mission Hospital.

Thanks to the support of people like you, they are now taking MDT and are receiving meadical care to cure and restore them from leprosy.

But it is not easy going. Especially for Tania. While Sonir can hide the patch on her shoulder with clothes, Tania’s leprosy is more visible. She feels self-conscious because of her appearance and her foot. As well as a patch on her cheek, Tania is suffering  from a leprosy reaction which is causing swelling. Her drop foot prevents her from walking.  She can’t go to school. Her friends don’t know that she has leprosy. She is missing out on socialising with her friends and her education.

But thanks to the support of people like you, through regular, consistent treatment from The Leprosy Mission, they will be cured, and their lives restored. Thank you for your compassion.

You can give someone affected by leprosy a Gift of Love this Christmas by choosing a Cure Package, Wheelchair, Self-Care Pack OR, for just $15 a pair of Protective Shoes!

Your kind generosity is inspiring! You are helping to cure families. Together we can reach our aim — No child with leprosy by 2035. Thank you!

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The Leprosy Mission seeks to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy, empowering people to attain healing, dignity, and life in all its fullness.

We are targeting a Triple Zero Leprosy strategy — Zero Leprosy Transmission, Zero Leprosy Disability, and Zero Leprosy Discrimination. We are working hard with our international project partners, and international government organisations, to make leprosy transmission a thing of the past by 2035.

If you feel moved to make an impact today, click here and your gift will be graciously accepted and used where it is most needed.