KIT Blog

Celebrating Jesus moving into the neighbourhood

By Glen Coleman
Church Engagement Coordinator The Leprosy Mission Australia

I love the image of Jesus moving into the neighborhood. It conjures up a sense of community in which there is an abundance of love and generosity. Jesus is a joyful presence around which we can gather and hope for a brighter future.
That this brighter future would start with a baby is truly astonishing. That God would choose to become flesh and blood is mind-bending in itself; but to become so weak as to be totally reliant on others for your survival seems incredibly dangerous and irresponsible!
Yet when we look at the nativity scene, we begin to understand a little of why God chose this way. Gathered around the baby are shepherds, wise men, young people, animals, and nature. The sweet smell of new life mixed with the dirt and mess of close living. Together we catch a glimpse of the whole of creation coming together to worship this child who has done nothing yet other than survive being born.
What a gift! By seeing the vulnerability of Jesus in this place, watching him grow up and become the man of God who will give everything for us we are comforted and assured that we worship a God who understands what it is like to be fully human.

Moreover, we are reminded to value young life and recognise their potential to transform communities. In following Jesus, who brought children into his presence, rather than hiding them away, we can see hope for a brighter future. In caring for those affected by leprosy we bring the joyful presence of Jesus closer, that they may have life in all its fullness.
May you be richly blessed this Christmas and experience the generous love of Jesus in and through your life.

The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a- kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish.
—John 1:14 (MSG)

*Photo taken pre-COVID

The Leprosy Mission seeks to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy, empowering people to attain healing, dignity, and life in all its fullness.

We are targeting a Triple Zero Leprosy strategy — Zero Leprosy Transmission, Zero Leprosy Disability, and Zero Leprosy Discrimination. We are working hard with our international project partners, and international government organisations, to make leprosy transmission a thing of the past by 2035.

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