KIT Blog

YOUR SPECIAL REPORT: Defeating Disability in Nigeria

They needed your urgent and uncond onal support... bless you for taking action!

Thank you for responding with such warm generosity and love to the recent appeals for people 

affected by leprosy and disability in Nigeria. Already reeling from COVID, the world-wide supply shortage of Multi-Drug Therapy was literally crippling people affected by leprosy and disability – especially in the hardest to reach places in Nigeria…



Thank you for showing God’s love to leprosy-affected people like Hafsi, just as Jesus did. Because of you, Hafsi can now help herself and help others in her group! They have hope for a brighter future. Thank you.

Your 8 Action Plan is in Action!

You are directly helping 1,586 people with leprosy in Zamfara State in Nigeria.

You are also helping 4,993 members of their families (this includes

1,665 children under 18!) who are experiencing the hardships of loss of income, rejection by the community, and so much more, that can often result with a leprosy diagnosis.

Your help is being delivered in villages like Hafsi’s in Nigeria through Your 8 Action Plan offering complete healing. You are providing:

1    early diagnosis of leprosy, and related diseases

2    Multi-Drug Therapy to cure the leprosy

3    clean water and sanitation for hygiene

4    physiotherapy and aids to restore mobility

5    surgery, when necessary, to protect ongoing health

6    mental health support

7    Self-Help Groups to rebuild income

8    Thank you for your kindness making it possible to raise community awareness to stop rejection

For Hasfi, you have been a true Godsend. She already needed help from her daughters with basic self-care and domestic chores, for

which she was very thankful. But her condition had been getting worse.

Her clawed and ulcered hands had been rendered ‘useless’. Her

damaged eye muscles were making it difficult for Hafsi to close her eyes to sleep or to guard against irritation.

Your gifts of protective shoes and sunglasses, through The Leprosy Mission Nigeria, are not only ‘saving Hafsi’s soles’ and her sight, they’re also improving her life for the better.

Your team in Zamfara continue to provide Hafsi with the medicine she needs and have shown her how to:

✔ eat using a spoon strapped to her wrist

✔ walk wearing her very own custom protective footwear

✔ use special glasses to improve her vision

Your frontline workers also make sure Hafsi has ongoing support through counselling and via a local Leprosy and Disability Self-Help Group. Hafsi is now a participating member! A world of new

pened up for to people like you.

The Leprosy Mission seeks to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy, empowering people to attain healing, dignity, and life in all its fullness.

We are targeting a Triple Zero Leprosy strategy — Zero Leprosy Transmission, Zero Leprosy Disability, and Zero Leprosy Discrimination. We are working hard with our international project partners, and international government organisations, to make leprosy transmission a thing of the past by 2035.

If you feel moved to make an impact today, click here and your gift will be graciously accepted and used where it is most needed.