KIT Blog

Leprosy Mission Hospitals need your prayers and support.

Leprosy Mission Hospitals need your prayers and support. 

Your compassionate heart could make all the difference for people like Prisha and her family. 

When a pale patch first appeared on Prisha’s face her family were not worried. These patches sometimes appear and then spontaneously disappear (attributed to relative vitamin deficiencies during a growth spurt). Yet new, expanding patches began to appear on other parts of her body with loss of sensation. Still, Prisha wasn’t in any discomfort, so her family waited. But when a patch suddenly became red and swollen, they consulted a local doctor. The doctor referred them to Purulia Hospital, about 50kms from home.

Prisha was diagnosed with leprosy at about age 6 and given Multi-Drug-Therapy (MDT). Other conditions meant that as well as MDT Prisha would need a course of steroids and physiotherapy for her hand which has weak fingers. She would need to be admitted to hospital to manage symptoms and learn to care for her weak fingers.

Both Prisha’s mum and older sister were diagnosed with leprosy. Fortunately, her sister’s leprosy was detected early and is unlikely to have any complications. However, Prisha and her mum will need to have monthly check-ups and regular medication. They will also need to visit the hospital at least twice a year for follow up for five years.

The pale patches on Prisha’s face will likely always remain visible. This may lead to stigma and discrimination later on. Prisha receives counselling to help her face these issues.

Prisha had been due to start school when COVID forced schools to close or move online for the best part of two years. For many like Prisha’s family the cost of technology means online learning is not an option. Prisha is keen to learn and welcomed a picture book given to her while at the hospital to learn her numbers and alphabet.

Pray for Prisha to continue her recovery from the effects of leprosy. Pray for her mother and sister to recover and for the family to support one another. Pray that as schools re-open Prisha and others like her will be able to catch up on their education. 

Thank God for hospitals like Purulia which provide medical and personal support to people suffering from leprosy and disability. Pray for the Salur and Kothara hospitals supported by kind-hearted Australian donors. Pray for healthcare staff training and for outreach clinics to reach more people for testing and treatment. 

Thank you for your compassion! It is needed now as much as ever. You can show your compassionate heart by giving to the work of our hospitals here

The Leprosy Mission seeks to bring about transformation; breaking the chains of leprosy, empowering people to attain healing, dignity, and life in all its fullness.

We are targeting a Triple Zero Leprosy strategy — Zero Leprosy Transmission, Zero Leprosy Disability, and Zero Leprosy Discrimination. We are working hard with our international project partners, and international government organisations, to make leprosy transmission a thing of the past by 2035.

If you feel moved to make an impact today, click here and your gift will be graciously accepted and used where it is most needed.